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Forever Fosters

Sometimes we find we have dogs in care that cannot be adopted. The trauma they have experienced has had such negative impact that they cannot cope with having to move from foster care to a forever home. The health conditions they have are so serious that they require ongoing expensive care with a prognosis that is not positive. We have found that with the ongoing love and care of wonderful fosters, these dogs are surviving much longer than their prognosis suggested and they are enjoying a great life after years of suffering. Their care is often costly and your support continues to provide these dogs with lives that are filled with love, comfort and without suffering.   

Because of their health conditions and/or emotional trauma, these dogs will not attend adoption events. 


Dusty (Forever Foster Aug 13, 2022)

Our sweet little Dusty is has a severe heart abnormality with an atrial-septal defect (a hole in his heart). We do not know how long he will comfortably be with with us before he crosses the Rainbow Bridge.

We are monitoring him closely and providing him with the best care and showering him with loads of love and attention.

Our vet has strongly recommended he not be adopted out as his life span is very limited and his care needs are daily.


His amazing foster will be providing him with care for as long as he can be kept comfortable and happy.


We have made the decision to move Dusty from "adoptable" to a forever foster. He will remain with us and we will give him all the love and care needed and more besides!


Dusty, you are loved to infinity and beyond, and you will live every single day without any doubt to the dept of our love for you.

Gandalf (Forever Foster Nov 13, 2022)

Gandalf and Sam came into rescue on May 3, 2022. Gandalf is a German Shepherd and Sam is a Dachshund; but they are brothers, a bonded pair for life.


Our big guy Gandalf has been dealt many blows in terms of his health with lots of tummy issues and skin issues in particular. He is quite a costly guy and we have had no interest in having someone adopt these boys with Gandalf being at the vet every couple of weeks. It is very daunting. We know his time is likely short. 

Gandalf and Sam have the most amazing foster family who love them completely and understand that the trauma of separation for these two is just too much to entertain. We all agree that we cannot separate Gandalf and Sam. But we also know that our gentle giant Gandalf is just a “hard to adopt dog” when his health is declining.

Cupcakes Rescue, together with the foster family, have made a decision that we all love! Sam has been adopted by the foster family.  That is a huge win for Sam as he loves his human brother and sister, the walks, the play time, and the love. Gandalf will also stay with the foster family, as a forever foster. Cupcakes Rescue will continue to provide for Gandalf's medical and care needs for the rest of his life, however long that might be. 

Gandalf and Sam will stay together, with the same wonderful family who welcomed them into their home in May, 2022. And when the time comes for Gandalf to become a guardian angel, Sam will have his people to love him, carry him through the loss, and keep playing chase the ball with him. 


This is the best thing that could have happened for Gandalf and Sam. Cupcakes Pommy & Friends Rescue is so honoured to have Gandalf as a Forever Foster. 

Pepsi (Forever Foster October 21, 2023)

Pepsi came into rescue on July 21, 2022. It's been a long journey for her, both medically and in learning how to be calm and happy.


Pepsi had many, many nightmares when she first arrived in rescue, where she would wake up growling at her fosters. As time went on, and she learned that these were humans she could trust, the nightmares happened less and less often.

Pepsi has blossomed in a calm and stable environment. She loves being kind-of-close-but-not-too-close to the humans. She likes to be spoken to while she sits on the opposite end of the couch (close but not too close!). She loves going for walks. Car rides have become enjoyable instead of stressful. She is slowly beginning to play with toys.

Her canine foster brother has been leading the way for her, teaching her that human attention is a good thing, scratches feel nice, and that snuggles with another dog are second to none.

Pepsi has undergone medical challenges as well. She still has quite a bit of anxiety, which she takes daily medication for. Pepsi also has a clotting disorder, which makes any type of blood draw a challenge. She came to us with very high blood pressure, and while that was eventually brought under control with medication, it caused permanent damage to her blood vessels. The combination of her clotting disorder and the damage from the high blood pressure have made it unsafe for her to ever be spayed.


Due to Pepsi's special circumstances, we felt it was best for her to become a forever foster instead of being adopted. We are so thankful for the immense amount of work her first foster family did - for teaching her that humans can be safe and will provide love and stability. Rehabilitation is not quick or easy, but as we have seen with many previous dogs, and again with Pepsi, it is worth it.

Gizmo (Forever Foster March 20, 2024)

Our sweet goofy pesky little Gizmo has been in rescue since 2022.  He is what we would lovingly refer to as challenging to adopt out. Gizmo is a one person dog and his response to anyone other than his one person was to use his bite. His foster family learned that he had one person, his foster mom. While she can do anything with him, she set very firm limits on his behaviour with her. No one else touches him. Touch from someone other than his person almost guarantees cleaning a bite wound. He has his boundaries.

We always hoped we would find him a one person home who would give him the time and patience so he could choose them as his new person. Sadly, Gizmo is entering a new phase in his life. His grumpy is more pronounced, he has pain associated with recurring cysts and arthritis, and we believe he is entering into early stages of dementia. 


Our goal now is to support his foster family as they give him quality days and care for Gizmo in the best ways that they can. He is happy with his mom at his side, especially when he is trying to hide his treats from everyone else in the clothes she is wearing.


We have made the decision to move Gizmo into our forever foster program and give him the best days we can as long as that is the best decision for him.    


All content on this site is the exclusive property of Cupcakes Pommy & Friends Rescue and Rehabilitation.

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